Dr. Asha Menon (P.T.), Dip. MDT
Diplomated McKenzie Clinician
As the facility provider
Accredited From The McKenzie Institute International, New Zealand
Non-surgical superspecialisation center for Back, Neck and Joint
Picture courtsy - spinalpublications, New Zealand.
Experience the low technology, highly reliable Mechanical Assessment and Diagnosis, also famously called the Mckenize Concept. This is a proven, highly standardized and well structured, consistant and reliable between clinicians with Credentialling or Diplomate qualification round the world, throughout all types of populations. We would need no expensive investigations neither to inform you if you would be a responder or non responder to the system nor towards overseering your management. Our tratment is consistent with the research recommendations.
If you are a world traveller, we would
inform you how you could be supported round the world within the
network of 'Certified McKenzie Clinics', and we assure you, you
would find quality is consistant with the
McKenzie Clinician
believes the patient knows best. After all, you know your pain
better. And hence we hear you out to know what your
specific problems are
that limits you, be it pain or functions. What your goals are, both
short term and long term.
A McKenzie assessment has been
well researched and is reliable between clinicians who are
trained in it, to bring out responders and non-responders. In
responders we would know how best to help you control your pain and
prevent your recurrences, or when and how you would need our help
to control your pain
in the least number of
sessions. We do not need any expensive investigations, nor gadgets.
Our structured assessement and clinical reasoning is all
What to expect during our assessment?
The consultation generally takes 30 to 45 minutes. Our highly
skilled clinicians will prepare your personal treatment plan based
upon the diagnosis of your condition. We uncover and learn about
your prior medical history, injuries, and any prior treatments you
may have had.
The therapist will then perform other specialized tests to help
determine specifics of your problem and limitations.
These may include one or more of the following:
The initial consultation concludes answering one major question:
Are you a candidate for treatment at our physical therapy center?
If not, we will make other recommendations for you.
If you are, we'll appraise you
of the diagnoses, the estimated time & cost of the treatment
Treatment Sessions: Most often 3-4 sessions.
Unless you have a complicated recovery.
Aimed at restoring pain free movement & function in
the least number of sessions. The goal is to teach you to
understand your body better & make you independent. Our
physiotherapy center is a research and evidence based
rehabilitation facility and is one of the premier physiotherapy
center's in Mumbai, India.
Our knowledge, ability and expertise allows us to treat
dysfunctions of the upper and lower extremity and the spine. Our
treatments are based on manual therapy. Our facility is designed to
address functional training including core stability, balance,
proprioception and kinesthetic awareness which is critical for the
success of any rehabilitation program, when the need arises in any
patient as per your MDT assessment.
The Restoration of Function Process
Where we train you to go back to your complete function without disability.
Copyright ©2013, Shrigiridhari Physiotherapy Center. All Rights Reserved.